ask questions.
a question is open and receptive,
yet articulating – it invokes.
this is the art of divination.
amidst all possibilities, it reveals a subject of concern,
curiosity, attention, attraction.
it reveals a prayer – the desire for a meeting or
an answering that reveals itself only
in the act.
it is revealed IN the working.
select a field of interest, an idea, a motif
and and delve there, like a miner
or a minister –
see what is there.
a question could be 'what if?'
framed as like to a gateway or lens.
idolatry (obsession with the form itself
or solidification of technique)
suffocates by its fixation on the familiar.
so how does a question become a frame?
why does a thing call?
i want to move nearer
though i may not understand why.
in the process, i explore myself,
I am revealed by interest.
where i put attention is love.
it IS love.
love is to Look. (listen)
to pay attention.
and thus come to a revelation.
to converse. to have a conversation with.
questions are always flawed,
subject to the imperfections and
limitations of language.
but they illuminate
an interest.
give voice to some buried wish
something that originates
in the ocean
because we are of oceans.
otherwise, a frame is created by
phenomenological input
and also circumstance.
what is the medium?
what action or adaptation does it request?
how does this body rise to the task?
what is the duration, velocity and frequency of the undertaking?
what tools are chosen for articulation?
how does the weather add its commentary today?
the quality of light?
cold? sweating profusely?
is time cornered?
or swimming in an emptiness of minutes, hours, days?
a ritual focuses intent through a question(?)
or else a prayer: a beeseecing of GOd
or else a gesture of offering
an acknowledgement of the unalienable truth of ecology.
even more simply, a question is an invitation:
arrive and
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