Thank you for this "vulnerability"(?) another cliche. Genuine-ness? Talking about your process. I love the Demille and Graham exchange. It's true that if you block it, it will never be expressed through any other medium. Oh my, the life I’ve lived to escape this very truth through all sorts of self-destructive strategies. It took a lot of exploration of the interior to get to know all my anxieties, doubts, fears and deeper aspects that I just couldn’t face… still can’t face. I spent years in meditation, running, only to realize (I believe what you are talking about) escaping the creative charge that infuses the Work... realizing finally, no that's not anxiety, that's the universe pushing through, and I'm running away or blocking it. So here I am now, watching another beautiful human mirroring a lot of my life back, and later today, I'll go on excavating the more subtler layers in hopes that this will “dislodge” those more elusive aspects to work with through my creativity. So, yes! Thank you for this. Be well.

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You're welcome Lane. Yes, Chogyam Trungpa warns that the ego can use ANYTHING for it's purposes. (I trust that you grok my use of 'ego' here). Thanks for taking the time to watch my post ;)

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